We've been so grateful to live close enough to Mount Vernon that my children feel like they are practically growing up there. Each season there is something new -- the Colonial Market in the Fall, Aladdin the camel at Christmas, baby lambs in the spring, and the Neighborhood Friends picnic in the summer. They love everything they can learn about "General Washington" and feel strongly about protecting his home. (So do their parents!) We miss it and can't wait until we can come back! Ann Somerset, 2017
We've been so grateful to live close enough to Mount Vernon that my children feel like they are practically growing up there. Each season there is something new -- the Colonial Market in the Fall, Aladdin the camel at Christmas, baby lambs in the spring, and the Neighborhood Friends picnic in the summer. They love everything they can learn about "General Washington" and feel strongly about protecting his home. (So do their parents!) We miss it and can't wait until we can come back! Ann Somerset, 2017

When our foster daughter Aileen lived with us as a teenager, we enjoyed family trips to Mount Vernon and it was a place she would go with friends to enjoy history, fresh air and the scenic views. In fact, we had a family joke back then that Mount Vernon was the perfect high-quality “date” excursion, but only with the most high-quality prospective boyfriend. Fast forward a few years, and Aileen met a great young man who met the standard. She recently returned to Mount Vernon to introduce him, and their beautiful baby boy Miguel, to everything she always loved about Mount Vernon. In a place so rich with tradition, Aileen is now keeping the tradition alive in her own growing family. Jennifer Krempin Bridgman, 2019
When our foster daughter Aileen lived with us as a teenager, we enjoyed family trips to Mount Vernon and it was a place she would go with friends to enjoy history, fresh air and the scenic views. In fact, we had a family joke back then that Mount Vernon was the perfect high-quality “date” excursion, but only with the most high-quality prospective boyfriend. Fast forward a few years, and Aileen met a great young man who met the standard. She recently returned to Mount Vernon to introduce him, and their beautiful baby boy Miguel, to everything she always loved about Mount Vernon. In a place so rich with tradition, Aileen is now keeping the tradition alive in her own growing family. Jennifer Krempin Bridgman, 2019

My Mom Pauline Cacciatore on the right with her best friend Diane Smith. I was living in downtown DC at the time and they came up from Florida to visit me and see all the local sights. We had such a great time. My Mom passed away in 2011 and this trip is one of my fondest memories. Desiree Dickinson, 2006
My Mom Pauline Cacciatore on the right with her best friend Diane Smith. I was living in downtown DC at the time and they came up from Florida to visit me and see all the local sights. We had such a great time. My Mom passed away in 2011 and this trip is one of my fondest memories. Desiree Dickinson, 2006

I've always loved history and as a young girl I once read a Martha Washington biography written for kids and ever since I've just had a big interest in George and Martha. I've always wanted to go and when my husband and I had the opportunity to take an extended weekend trip to D.C. we knew we had to stop by Mount Vernon before heading back for home. It was such a surreal experience walking through the home and the grounds and knowing it was was the real place they lived. Our favorite part was sitting on the back porch with the view of the Potomac and imagining the Washingtons doing the same. I can't wait to return again someday! Daryl Watson, 2014
I've always loved history and as a young girl I once read a Martha Washington biography written for kids and ever since I've just had a big interest in George and Martha. I've always wanted to go and when my husband and I had the opportunity to take an extended weekend trip to D.C. we knew we had to stop by Mount Vernon before heading back for home. It was such a surreal experience walking through the home and the grounds and knowing it was was the real place they lived. Our favorite part was sitting on the back porch with the view of the Potomac and imagining the Washingtons doing the same. I can't wait to return again someday! Daryl Watson, 2014

My son Arlen and I visited Mount Vernon at the end of an epic, two week ‘racecation’ out east. I am currently trying to complete a half marathon in all 50 states. Last summer I completed 6 half marathons, in 6 different states, in 6 days! We began our journey in Central Illinois, then headed to Niagara Falls, Canada. After that we drove through every North East State. I would race in the morning and we would go siteseeing in the afternoon. While in New York City, we stumbled upon the location of Washington’s inauguration. Of all the presidential homes and museums we saw along the way, Mount Vernon was, by far, the most meanful. We are both looking forward to returning some day - I haven’t completed a half marathon in Virginia yet, we will be back for sure! JoAnna Magelitz, 2019
My son Arlen and I visited Mount Vernon at the end of an epic, two week ‘racecation’ out east. I am currently trying to complete a half marathon in all 50 states. Last summer I completed 6 half marathons, in 6 different states, in 6 days! We began our journey in Central Illinois, then headed to Niagara Falls, Canada. After that we drove through every North East State. I would race in the morning and we would go siteseeing in the afternoon. While in New York City, we stumbled upon the location of Washington’s inauguration. Of all the presidential homes and museums we saw along the way, Mount Vernon was, by far, the most meanful. We are both looking forward to returning some day - I haven’t completed a half marathon in Virginia yet, we will be back for sure! JoAnna Magelitz, 2019

While facilitating a session for the George Washington Teacher Institute at The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington I had the opportunity to watch the sunrise from Washington's Piazza on a beautiful mid summer morning. Those who were here with me that morning are a small but amazing groups of teachers who were able to live history here for a short time, but the memory and the friendships will last a lifetime. This image almost captures the beauty of that morning and showed me a glimpse of what those who were enslaved at Mount Vernon's and the Washington family might have seen on any morning. Matt Van Horn, 2019
While facilitating a session for the George Washington Teacher Institute at The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington I had the opportunity to watch the sunrise from Washington's Piazza on a beautiful mid summer morning. Those who were here with me that morning are a small but amazing groups of teachers who were able to live history here for a short time, but the memory and the friendships will last a lifetime. This image almost captures the beauty of that morning and showed me a glimpse of what those who were enslaved at Mount Vernon's and the Washington family might have seen on any morning. Matt Van Horn, 2019

This photograph was taken of myself and my two brothers in 1926-27 at Mount Vernon. They have passed, but I am still here. I have returned to DC over 30 times and have always been active with the Freemasons as my husband was the Most Eminent Grand Master, 1994 – 1997 and was a Mason for 67 years. My grandson works with Mount Vernon now and we I could not be happier for him to see all that is has become. Dorella Mayfield, 1926
This photograph was taken of myself and my two brothers in 1926-27 at Mount Vernon. They have passed, but I am still here. I have returned to DC over 30 times and have always been active with the Freemasons as my husband was the Most Eminent Grand Master, 1994 – 1997 and was a Mason for 67 years. My grandson works with Mount Vernon now and we I could not be happier for him to see all that is has become. Dorella Mayfield, 1926

This is a picture of myself and my husband. I have always been a huge American History nerd and decided on a Virginia road trip for our 2017 vacation. We stopped at several Civil War battlefields but added amount Vernon to the itinerary because we were in the area. I’m so glad we did!! Our favorite part was the view from the porch overlooking the Potomac River! We could have stayed there all day! Julianna Mellott, 2017
This is a picture of myself and my husband. I have always been a huge American History nerd and decided on a Virginia road trip for our 2017 vacation. We stopped at several Civil War battlefields but added amount Vernon to the itinerary because we were in the area. I’m so glad we did!! Our favorite part was the view from the porch overlooking the Potomac River! We could have stayed there all day! Julianna Mellott, 2017